Maxx PDFMAILER is a program that installs itself to your system as a printer that acts in the same way any physical printer would act. When you print any document, for example pressing "[CTRL]+P" it will be included within any the print dialogue side by side with your current printer(s) and when you choose the maxx PDFMAILER's printer it will load a window that allows for some nice features. One of these feature is the ability to send the printed document regardless of its original extension as a PDF attachment through Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express, any regular SMTP server, MAPI server or Hotmail. Another feature is the ability of saving the document to be printed as a regular PDF file which means that the document will be converted from any extension to the Adobe PDF extension. In addition, the virtual printer that maxx PDFMAILER provides will still allow you to actually print the document through any other physical or virtual printer installed on your system. The virtual printer can be accessed and shared through the network just like any regular printer. The program can be configured to add/remove the virtual printers and you can even specify the name for each virtual printer you add. The program's configuration can be imported/exported efficiently at anytime.